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It is both an honour and priviledge to witness my friends engaging in such a loving act, commiting to being in each others lives for the rest of their days. I remember the day Mbali came back home to share she had met this guy (story for the wedding day itself!). In no time they were off on a date and it seems like yesterday that this love story started! On the 24th of September they officially become Mr and Mrs. It is beautiful to witness a journey of two people choosing to find love and a home in one another. It's absolutely inspiring to see young people like Mdu and Mbali transiting into the next phase of their lives! Marriage my friends, is from God, it's God's glory! Somewhere in Genesis God says, "It is not good that a man should be alone, I will make him a helper fit for him"- and he has done just that in your lives! You thought it was by chance that you met that day at Sisa's house? Oh please! In the next few months you will be inundated with advice from well-wishing people, friends and family. This advice is important but make God the centre of your foundation. Congratulations on your union guys! You are a beautiful couple! So full of life, comitted to each other, ambitious. Keep these traits. Enjoy the journey, enjoy each other! *ululates*


I don't think I had been ever so excited to hear about an engagement like this one. The only problem was I had to keep it a secret for over TWO whole months.  I do not know why and how Mdu thought I could keep this to myself for that long that day he asked me to assist with ring sizes and possibly shapes for the ring. He then put me through the torture of designing the ring and refusing to show it to me. I broke, I had to eventually tell the other girls that there was going to be a wedding.  I am sure we even celebrated the pre engagement behind Mbali's back. What a challenge it was to pretending to Mbali that we didn't know anything when she was telling us in excitement that Mdu is sending his uncles, we deserve an Oscar really.  
Fast forward to this day. It's so beautiful watching you two fall in love all over again as you plan your special day and rest of your life together.  Mbali you are walking in love with a permanent smile on your face, it's beautiful to watch. I will not advise that you take care of each other as you are already doing an amazing job of that. I will however wish God continues to bless your love for each other and with years may it grows from strength to strength.  It's a privilege to be part of this journey with you! All the best 



"Nothing in the Nature lives for itself. Rivers don't drink their own water.
Trees don't eat their own fruit. Sun doesn't give heat for itself.
Flowers don't spread fragrance for themselves"


My friends it is such a beautiful sight to watch the two of you walk this journey of love.
Mbali,  I pray you be the very  river that flows daily to nurture and quench your husbands thirst  on all occasions.
Mduduzi, I pray you be the tree that will bear its best fruit for your lovely wife. With leaves and branches to shade and protect her all the days of your lives.
I love you both dearly. Remember to let God lead.


You don’t have to share the same parents to call someone your brother or sister, for the past 3 years Mbali and Mdu have been loving  (unconditionally that is) people.  With all the love and care these two have I even started referring to them as parents. When I was first asked to write something about the bride and groom, I thought about where to start without the message being like a eulogy.
Four versions later, I have something.  
In someone’s eyes this might be corny, the good thing is that personwas not asked to write this.  I’ll share just some of the qualities that I believe standout in these two.

G.O.L.F (not the title of Tyler’s album or clothing line and not in any way inspired by him, just a coincidence)


G - Giving.      

I truly believe that if you give you shall receive and Mdu and Mbali have never compromised on giving. There is just so many things that they have done for me personally and as well as others. In return all I’ve ever been asked is “are you okay?”


O - Outgoing.      

They have a great sense of adventure and exploration, some people see it as young, wild and free, these two I believe see it as young, free and living. We have had many memorable road trips together, 
            personally Mdu always emphases “LG Movement” which is basically Good Life living.


L - Loving        

There are a lot of ways we define love, for me what I have experienced and would call love from Mdu and Mbali is, their ability to listen and advise, give support, being able to put a smile of one’s face and 
            most importantly the best hugs.  


F - Full of life    

This last letter is self explanatory, there is never a dull moment is the presence of Mdu and Mbali, I have the luxury of sharing a lot of my time with these two and I can count on one hand the number of 
            times where they wore frowns. These two love to laugh.            



“She does not stay here, she stays in Johannesburg”

Those were the first eglish words I heard my brother speak to a white person. Couldn’t get over the moment even after he hung up the phone.

The year was 2000 and I had (still have) the coolest brother on earth.



Big brother and my friend.


Perhaps the intrigue with uMdu, lies within his less prescriptive approach to living and more as a soulful forever-young man, well determined to embrace this life and its infinite adventures. His love for rhythm and poetry reflects a man with a sense of intimacy, romance and probably a passion for cuddling that many of us, ‘real men’, will ridicule him for and yet be tremendously envious of!

Enter uMbali… who, in her own being, will refuse to be a mere accessory to the man who crossed her path at a cousin’s dinner do. uMbali embodies a woman well determined to be less concerned with established norms but the type to go after all she holds dear. If anything, uMbali personifies self-determination and at that, she can have all the shoes she likes!

If pop culture can give the world power-couples such as Kimye and Brangelina; I say the world is incomplete without uMdali. Bafwethu, be the Creators you are destined to be! 

So much love from Kuwait. 

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