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Through Mbali's Eyes

How we ended up here… Would it be cliché to say we met through a friend/cousin? Well, as cliché as it may be the rest of him courting me was rather unique. It all started one August day in 2013 when my cousin decided to host me for dinner- what better way to round up a stressful day at the office. Little did I know she had also invited Mdu and his friend Bongani (coincidence? I think not!). When it came to introductions that night, I didn’t pay a lot of attention to Mdu (my mind was still trying to make sense of why they are here). We didn’t really talk much that night as they did not stay long, but I liked how he was dressed…and his smile. I slept not even thinking about him and I did not think our paths will ever cross again. Little did I know… 

After he got my number from my cousin (he had to gather a lot of courage for this!), we got to know each other. All I remember is how easy talking to him over the phone was. And that I laughed a lot. A few weeks later we went on a date. Now depending on who you ask, you will get two different stories about our “first date” LOL, so I will leave that to him. Time flew by on our second date, I remember not wanting the night to end… Though we had very little in common on the surface, I was drawn to him. We had a connection that was so natural.  Someone once told me that "when you meet the right person, you'll know.” We saw each other a lot thereafter and as the cliché goes…the rest is history! 

I am excited for everyone to join us in celebrating our love for each other!

Through Mdu's Eyes

The day was a random Tuesday in August 2013 and I was going on about my business in the office as I normally do, and my dear friend Habza told me that are our mutual friend Seki whom we met in Durban the previous year whilst on work assignment was visiting her sister (Sisa) in the Johannesburg and we had been invited to dinner.  When I heard the word “dinner” I just thought free food. Habza didn’t want to go but I insisted and he eventually said yes because we were driving together that day.
We got there and there was this young beautiful lady, Mbali, Seki’s cousin, joining all of us for dinner that we weren’t told about but we didn’t complain. I mean who would.  We didn’t even stay for the stupid dinner when we found how long it was still going to take before we could eat, so we left.  On my way home I called Seki to ask for her cousin’s numbers.  She promised to ask her but I didn’t have much hope as we didn’t speak much at the dinner and I doubted if she would remember who I was.  I got the number an hour later.  I called her the following day, texted and called, texted and called for a couple of days after that and everything was just flowing.  A few weeks later we went on a date. I think our first official date but we don’t seem to agree on when our first date is so can you imagine the drama around when our anniversary is LOL.  We went on a second date and the rest is history.  17 months later we got engaged.
I am excited for this date and looking forward to have everyone to join us in celebrating our love for each other!

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